

Thursday 28 November 2013

Days 26-28, Kiting Days 18-20

Yesterday I arrived (or rather we arrived as I am now in the company of two nice Spanish/Malagenho or Tarifenio kiters - Carlos and Inhaki) to Lagoinha. Before I arrived here I didn't even know that such a place exists and that it's a great kitsurfing spot. But I was not the only one - very few people knows about this spot as it's hard to see any kite in the air here. We are in the Pousada Kite Point, which seems to be the only one that caters for kiters in this town. What a difference between here and Cumbuco! The Pousada is located virtually on the beach, so the walk to launch the kite takes me less then 15 meters (maybe twenty when the tide is low :), and they've got the air compressor, so it saves me pumping, which unequivocally is he dullest part of setting up the kite :).

Lagoinha - the name sounds nice, isn't it? And the place indeed is beautiful, just see yourself ...

In spite of this beauty around me yesterday, I also had one of the most frustrating days, the wind was fraco - weak, but I still tried to sail with my Bandit 9 meters - waving it up and down is like a good fitness club work-out. At some point the kite fell and started looping. I managed to lift it and untangle the lines while flying it in the air, but the board stayed far away. In this light wind my body-drags where hopeless and I saw the board only moving further and further. Contrary to Cumbuco no one was around to bring it :(, so I body-dragged to the shore, hoping that the wind will wash it ashore sooner or later. And it did, but much later than expected, we found it only after five hours. Actually, the Brazilian guy - Marcelo found it around ten o'clock at night while driving his motorbike up and down the shore on my board rescue mission.  Really nice, very helpful fellow, I had impression that he was happier to find it than myself, and you can imagine my happiness, given that my Nobile NBL was the most expensive part of my equipment.

All the yesterday's misfortunes got totally washed away today, with another great kiting day :). First, I did my first downwind to reach the lagoon. Many people say that there is nothing easier than downwind, you just let yourself get carried away effortless by the wind. I don't agree, maybe if you know well how to do it is so, but my first time in the strong wind was very demanding with a number of falls and body-drags to get the board back. At the end I improved, however :). And most importantly the reward was great - a flat water, large lagoon, almost empty - the best I have seen so far :). On the lagoon everything went fine, all the fakes, carving turns and ... my first little jumps - yeah! Let's see what tomorrow brings :).

One more thing, on Tuesday I got another kite - 7 meters North Evo - the wind is picking up, so the chances increase that soon I'll be able to try it!

And, to conclude with a smile, this is how a Brazilian kitesurfer sees an ideal girlfriend :)

1 comment:

  1. I think the main problem was that your girlfriend was not there. And, even if she were there, it would be the picture in top, not bottom...

    On the more serious note, kiting sounds like a lot of fun! :)
