

Friday 15 November 2013

Days 3-10 More on Kiting in Jericoacoara

Yesterday I was a bit short on kiting in Jerico, I'll try to make it up now. On Monday (3rd) at 10 o'clock we set out with our kite instructor instructor Fabinho, his girlfriend and also an instructor and their dog called .... Freestyle to the Guriu river mouth. Our daily ride started by a visit to the ... petrol station, I am not sure if we can really call it petrol station but for sure they fill the tank up, just check it yourself...

The rest of the way to the spot I described yesterday. The first day both myself and Gosia we had a regular beginners class flying the kite on the beach. Fabio's key words are SUAVE (take it easy), tranquilo (another version of take it easy) and com technica. As I already had 6 hours before in Lanzarote two years ago, for me it's more like a recap. So at the end of the class I am entering the water and after a couple of tries I mange to do my first waterstart - YEAH. Apparently I get too much carried away as towards the end of the class, I have my first kite jump, definitely not intentional which ends up with a very hard landing in the water that is 20 cm deep - I've got a big bruise on my thigh until today. 

Then we get back on our buggy and it turned out that we are running late - not that we were counting time, there was more natural obstacle - the high tide had come and flooded the road. We've been full of admiration for the driving skills of our buggy, especially it's ability to cross flooding.

As you can see Freestyle appeared to be the most concerned if we'll make it or not :).

In the evening, as every evening from now on, we applied a regular Caipirinha medicine for our aching bones after the kiting day. We liked both the price 5 reais and the amount of Cachaca they put into each drink.

Gosia the second day she burned her ears very badly and took a break. The beauty of Jerico is that even if you are not a fanatical kiter or windsurfer, there is always something going on in town. She took classes of Samba, Afro dance, and some other stuff, in our pousada / hostel - Coco Verde she found some nice people to talk to and to give her inspiration what to do while her brother was up out there looking for the wind.

Few words about Coco Verde - one of the few hostels in town, run by a German girl Angela that used to be a backpacker, that's why the pousada has a friendly ambience and the set-up facilitating meeting people. The weakest point of Coco Verde was the rooster that started crowing before dawn and in Jerico it dawns before 5 o'clock in the morning.

I kited every day and every day was a bit better :) and brought a new bruise :(. The time was flying faster than the kites in Jerico's strong wind and Sunday 10th when Gosia needed to fly home came much too early. At 7:30 we boarded the bus for Fortaleza, passing through the dunes park again...

if you look closer you'll see people on the one below, which gives an idea how big the dunes are.

Gosia safely delivered to the airport, I spent overnight in another crap hostel in Fortaleza and the day after set off to Cumbuco, where my kite progress continues. 

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