

Sunday 17 November 2013

Days 15-17, Kiting Days 10-12

Sunday 17th - yeah, again I had the best kiting day ever. Actually every day I can say that :). The difference today is that I got no bruises, no rescues, no disasters whatsoever :). I started around 7:30AM and, with two breaks for a snack, finished around midday. Today the lowest tide was around 9 o'clock so it payed off again to wake up early. These days there is clearly a trade-off between good kiting conditions or night partying - the hour I came to the spot clearly indicated what my choice was.

Saturday 16th, Saturday morning there was a photo session, see the outcome below...

... and here comes more ...

... this thing that looks so silly behind my back is a life jacket, yeah on the open see with my present skills it's much better to wear it. So Saturday started great but finished not so good, as after few hours of pleasant riding the kite fell into the water, started twisting, the lines got tangled and of course I was quite far away. I ended up in a crash course (in Polish we say I've been thrown straight away into the deep water, which actually is exactly what happend) of self-rescue. In the end, it's not so bad, you need to first to pull the front lines slowly and wrap them around the bar, while approaching the kite. Then you grab the leading edge and finally you pull the top edge of the kite towards you to make it look and work like sail. After twenty minutes I've been back on the beach. Someone brought my board so the greatest challenge was to untangle the lines on the bar - it took me something like an hour...

... not a big problem, as I had the whole afternoon, after 11 AM it got too crowded to kite for me. See on the pictures what I mean by crowded ...

 Otherwise, I re-started watching Breaking Bad, it's as addictive as meth, over two days I did the whole 12 episodes season. Not so good for my eyes, but definitely my battered and aching feet like it, and the rest of my bruised body doesn't mind lying in the hammock either.

Ievunia is doing fine too, actually she travelling now in Switzerland and in Bern she saw (surprise, surprise) ... a bear.


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