

Monday 19 May 2014

Visual Extravaganza at Banjarmasin Floating Market

Near the city of Banjarmasin, in South Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo, since long, long time ago, no one can really tell since when exactly, the floating market takes place - Pasar Terapung Lok Baintan. On this market you can buy any locally grown product, straight from the boat. We won't talk much this time, just enjoy the views :)...
 It's amazing how neatly the things are arranged on the boats. 
Banana seems to be the king of the market...

Many boats are painted red and white; not a coincidence as the Indonesian flag is red on top and white at the bottom, actually it is just the opposite of the Polish one where white is on top, though it looks like the 'boatladies' prefer it the Polish way :)
 It might seem that there are much more sellers than buyers; not really, the goods are actually bartered, so everyone is a seller and a buyer at the same time ...
Pasar sounds a bit similar to Bazaar, doesn't it? And indeed the origins of the word for a market in Bahasa Indonesia can be traced back to a Persian bazar. Look more closely at the inscription on the boat in the left top corner!
It seems that the only person paying with money was Ievunia, the only Western tourist on the market :)
In the ruthless equatorial sun, a good 'sombrero' is indispensable
On the way to a day nursery :)?
There is also a catering boat... that you never get thirsty or hungry

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