

Thursday 6 February 2014

Victoria Falls – lovely moment please linger awhile!

There are these rare moments in life when you see something so beautiful that your eyes just fill with tears and all you want is that this moment just lingers on and on! Such a moment happened while we were walking on the Victoria bridge shortly before the sunset. The view of the falls from the bridge is spectacular; the view of a Zambezi river gorge 120 meters deep below us is hair-raising. So, we kept on starring at the falls ahead and into the precipice beneath; out of a sudden, the rainbow started to emerge from the middle of the waterfall crest; we rushed up to the edge of the bridge and, while we leant over the bridge rail, we spotted the shadow that the bridge cast over the hill opposite. Then, that unforgettable moment came – we looked down and we saw an inverted rainbow, as if it was smiling at us. The rainbow looked as if it was the mirror image of the shadow of the bridge's arch. More than that, we realized that the rainbow below us is actually the same rainbow that was emerging out of the waterfall crest, only at that moment it occurred to us that the rainbow was actually not a bow, it was a perfect circle! We were speechless, not sure where to look - at the rainbow circle, at the fall, at the bridge's shadow, beneath into the river gorge, and then the second rainbow, parallel to the first one, appeared at the bottom of the gorge!